Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let The Craziness Begin:

Email From The Polling Stations

A reader of Andrew Sullivan's blog writes:

I live in Charlotte NC, where today is the first day of early voting. I drove by two polling places before 8 this morning and they were both completely mobbed. My husband has driven to two others in his attempt to vote today, and the scene has been so ridiculous that he has given up and will try again next week. At two of the spots where he tried to vote, he witnessed and was approached by two exceedingly aggressive McCain/Palin volunteers who were pulling people out of line, handing out brochures, and telling them "You really need to think carefully about your vote. If you plan to vote Obama, we would ask that you read this material and reconsider your vote."

At one location, after approaching my husband aggressively, these volunteers were forcefully asked to leave by an employee and were told the police would be called if they did not cease and desist.

None of this is indicative of anything, obviously. I just thought it was interesting. I have voted in three presidential races since I have lived in Charlotte, and I have never been approached by anyone campaiging so close to a polling location. Desperation, perhaps?

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