Saturday, October 4, 2008

This is what feminism looks like in action

From Andrew Sullivan's wonderful blog comes:

Democracies allow citizens as well as the press to question their potential leaders - aggressively and
relentlessly if necessary. The reason I'm posting this is to remind American voters what a real democracy
sounds like.

The ridiculous sequestering of Sarah Palin from the press and anything resembling public inquiry is an
absolute scandal. Thatcher was already prime minister, about to be re-elected in a landslide when this
debate happened. And she was happy to be subjected to this debate from an average citizen. This is what
feminism looks like in action. It's important to remember what a deep decline in female political equality
Sarah Palin represents.

Live From The Ground

This was one of the four rooms of volunteers

Young Obama Supporters

Me in the Middle of a very long line

This is about 1/5 of the line of volunteers

Sarah Palin vs Fargo

It's My Birthday!

Latest Poll Numbers (10-4-08)

RCP Average Obama 49.2 McCain 43.5 Obama +5.7
Rasmussen Obama 51 McCain 45 Obama +6
Gallup Tracking Obama 49 McCain 42 Obama +7
Hotline Tracking Obama 48 McCain 42 Obama +6
GW/Battleground Obama 49 McCain 46 Obama +3
Marist Obama 49 McCain 44 Obama +5
CBS News Obama 50 McCain 41 Obama +9
Associated Press Obama 48 41 Obama +7
ABC News/Wash Post Obama 50 McCain 46 Obama +4
Pew Research Obama 49 McCain 43 Obama +6
Ipsos/McClatchy Obama 48 45 Obama +3
Time Obama 50 McCain 43 Obama +7

Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm in.......

Joe Six Pack's in the Hose

Everyone loves an underdog, except for when the underdog is an asshole (that's just my two cents....)

Very Effective Ad From Women Against McCain/Palin

Latest Electoral College Projection

Click Image to Enlarge:

Inside Sarah Palin's Mind...

Click image to enlarge:

This Just In....


The Washington Post reports:

"Mark Buse, a longtime McCain adviser and now his Chief of Staff, signed on as a Freddie Mac lobbyist, and earned $460,000 in lobbying fees in late 2003 and 2004, according to lobbying disclosures. Buse was one of many strategic hires made by Freddie Mac in its efforts to sew up support and manage opponents on Capitol Hill, a push that peaked in 2004 with the retention of 34 outside lobbying firms.

Over the past decade, Freddie spent more than $95 million on lobbying, while its sister company, Fannie Mae, spent more than $79 million. McCain campaign spokesman Rogers said Buse "met with, obviously, a variety of staff", but that Buse never spoke with McCain about Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.

Personally, I like the part about not talking to McCain. Buse would be the first to know that (1) the staff drives the text of any legislation and controls a Senator's information flow and; (2) an old military and politician trick is to create a zone of deniability around the person in the sensitive/powerful position.

In My Estimation, Biden's Best Moments

Latest Poll Results (10-03-08)

RCP Average Obama 49.1 McCain 43.2 Obama +5.9
GW/Battleground Tracking Obama 50 McCain 43 Obama +7
Gallup Tracking Obama 48 McCain 43 Obama +5
Rasmussen Tracking Obama 51 McCain 44 Obama +7
Hotline/FD Tracking Obama 47 McCain 42 Obama +5
Marist Obama 49 McCain 44 Obama +5
CBS News Obama 50 McCain 41 Obama +9
Associated Press Obama 48 McCain 41 Obama +7
ABC News/Wash Post Obama 50 McCain 46 Obama +4
Pew Research Obama 49 McCain 43 Obama +6
Ipsos/McClatchy Obama 48 McCain 45 Obama +3
Time Obama 50 McCain 43 Obama +7

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hey America, Sarah Palin thinks You're Cute....

Instant Reaction to the VP Debate:

Click each link to read:

CNN: Biden Dominates Among Undecideds...

CBS Focus Group: Biden Wins

Newsweek's Fineman: Palin Like "A Wolverine Attacking The Pant Leg Of A Passerby"...

Bob Shrum: "She Barely Kept Up"...

Madeleine Albright: "Biden's Night... We Need A VP Who Can Be Persuasive With Foreign Leaders"...

Leah McElrath Renna: "Biden's Tears Did More For The Equality Of The Sexes Than Palin's Presence"...

Does McCain not remember that he just voted for the bailout package?

The Latest Electoral College Map

Keep in mind it takes 270 electoral votes to become President.
>Click image to enlarge<

Make Room For L'il O'Reilly

...and now for something completely different....

During a National Geographic shoot about Right Whales off the Auckland Islands,
photographer Brian Skerry and assistant Mauricio Handler came face-to-face with
a right whale.

Said Handler: "It looked at me with great curiosity. No aggression."

Click on image for a larger version.

Latest Poll Numbers

Rasmussen McCain 47, Obama 50 Obama +3

InAdv/PollPosition McCain 50, Obama 44 McCain +6

National Tracking Obama 51, McCain 44 Obama +7

National Hotline Obama 47, McCain 42 Obama +5

PPP (D) Obama 51, McCain 41 Obama +10

SurveyUSA Obama 52, McCain 44 Obama +8

Battleground Tracking Obama 49, McCain 44 Obama +5

Sarah Palin + Dinosaurs (...I'm Not Referring to McCain)

Los Angeles Times

ANCHORAGE -- Soon after Sarah Palin was elected mayor of the foothill town of Wasilla, Alaska, she startled a local professor by insisting in casual conversation that humans and dinosaurs coexisted on an Earth created 6,000 years ago -- about 65 million years after scientists say most dinosaurs became extinct.

After watching Palin deliver a commencement address to a small group of home-schooled students in June 1997, Wasilla resident Philip Munger said, he asked the young mayor about her religious beliefs.

Palin told him that "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," Munger said. When he asked her about prehistoric fossils and tracks dating back millions of years, Palin said "she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks," recalled Munger, who teaches at the University of Alaska in Anchorage.

The idea of a "young Earth" -- that God created the Earth about 6,000 years ago, and dinosaurs and humans coexisted early on -- is a strain of creationism.

In her race for governor Palin called for faith-based "intelligent design" to be taught along with evolution in Alaska's schools.

If this wasn't so scary, it'd be funny...kinda like this:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

McCains Solution to the Bailout

Let me get this straight....just so we're clear here. McCain's idea of responsible executive power means spending $1 trillion taxpayer dollars without any Congressional oversight? Yet another example of how McCain is like Bush; consolidating power into the Executive Branch.

Just keep in mind that Congress represents the people. How about we just get rid of the Congress all together?

Sarah Palin Reads Every Newspaper She Comes Across...but of Course Can't Name Any Specifically

I wish I was making this up....

I detect a supremely incurious individual....

Sarah Palin Discusses our Supreme Court

Other than Rove v Wade....other than.....

Sign of the Times.....


.50 cents? This might be overpriced....

Latest Poll Numbers

Gallup Obama 48, McCain 44 Obama +4
Rasmussen Tracking Obama 51, McCain 45 Obama +6
Hotline/FD Tracking Obama 47, McCain 42 Obama +5
National Democracy Corps (D) Obama 49, McCain 45, Obama +4
National Pew Research Obama 49, McCain 43 Obama +6
National Time Obama 50, McCain 43 Obama +7
National GW Tracking Obama 48, McCain 46 Obama +2

Ohio Survey Obama 48, McCain 49 McCain +1
Pennsylvania Survey Obama 45, McCain 38 Obama +7
New Jersey Survey Obama 52, McCain 42 Obama +10
Pennsylvania Survey Obama 54, McCain 39 Obama +15
Ohio Survey Obama 50, McCain 42 Obama +8
Florida Survey Obama 51, McCain 43 Obama +8
Indiana Survey McCain 48, Obama 45 McCain +3


The Biden and Palin Debating Styles

This video from the New York Times makes some interesting points about what the debates should be like on Thursday.

To be quite honest, I'm really excited.....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Obama Phone Bank

On Sunday I hosted a phone bank at my studio for the Obama campaign. In the course of 3 hours we called over 190 registered voters in Colorado polling them to see if they were supporting Sen. Obama, Sen. McCain, or if they were as yet undecided.

I can't say much but I can report that we had a very good response (make of that what you will).

I leave for Nevada on Friday to canvas on the ground so keep an eye out here and I'll make sure you're well aware of how things
look from the streets of Nevada.

Thanks again for everyone who helped make this possible!

I'm representing you!

National Polls as of Sept. 30, 2008

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll
Barack Obama 45%
John McCain 42%

Rasmussen Report
Barack Obama 51%
John McCain 45%

Quinnipiac University Poll
Barack Obama 49%
John McCain 45%

Barack Obama 46%
John McCain 41%

Newsweek Poll
Barack Obama 46%
John McCain 46%

USA Today/Gallup Poll
Barack Obama 50%
John McCain 43%

Zogby Interactive
John McCain 46%
Barack Obama 44%

Obama Phone Bank

On Sunday I hosted a phone bank at my studio for the Obama campaign. In the course of 3 hours we called over 190 registered voters in Colorado polling them to see if they were supporting Sen. Obama, Sen. McCain, or if they were as yet undecided.

I can't say much but I can report that we had a very good response (make of that what you will).

I leave for Nevada on Friday to canvas on the ground so keep an eye out here and I'll make sure you're well aware of how things
look from the streets of Nevada.

Thanks again for everyone who helped make this possible!

I'm representing you!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday Morning Bliss

I housesat recently for some friends and as is the case when I'm in the neighborhood I treat myself to the best patisserie in the Bay Area, La Boulangerie. With a fresh, untouched Sunday New York Times, a decaf mocha, and a bowl of fresh fruit with really thick greek yogurt, homemade granola and honey my life could end and I'd be pretty ok with it. Here's a couple of pictures:

Willow Tree in the Park

Willow tree in Alamo Square Park (with a little fog and sun) Sunday September 28.